Juice is a highly consumed drink that people intake it frequently as a meal or as a between meals snack. However, with the several products of juices available for consumption, it is important to determine what type of juice is healthy to consume. While the importance of taking quality and health produce has gradually sunk in to people, there are some forms that have received more acceptance than others and this includes cold pressed juice.
If you’ve seen it on the shelves and wondered, “Is cold-pressed juice healthy?” you’re not alone! What is this so called cold pressed juice all about? How is it processed? This blog post will try to educate you with these facts about cold-pressed juice and its lack of health benefits.
What is cold-pressed juice?
One might wonder if cold-pressed juice is healthy to consume; it first requires a definition of what cold-pressed juice is. Cold-pressed juice is processed in a very special way that entails the application of heat. Usually juices are extracted from fruits and vegetables using a conventional juice extractor. This process may lead to heat production: certain vitamins and minerals fade or degrade under high temperature.
Cold pressing, however, utilizes a hydraulic press in making extraction of juice from the mentioned product. Different from other cooking styles it does not involve heat and thus, it retains much of the nutrient value of the food.
Why do people opt for cold pressed juice?
As you now think of making cold-pressed juice, let you think about why people use cold-pressed juice more than normal juices. Here are some reasons:
- Additional Nutrients – Cold-pressed juice contain other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants due to the cold pressing technique. It is required in the body for one reason or the other.
- Health Benefits – Cold-pressed juice is considered healthier because it is thought that cold-pressed juice just tastes fresh and inherently, with little addition of unnatural preservatives.
- Contains no external sugar—Cold pressed juice involves the use of fresh fruits and vegetables without adding sugar or any preservative to the meal. What this does is make it a much healthier option than normal juices that are normally processed and therefore contain chemicals.
- Helps in Detox – There are various opinions that cold pressed juice has positive effects making the body detoxifying. These juices contain vitamins and/or minerals useful in portions of your small intestine and can give you
Benefits of Drinking Cold-Pressed Juice
Drinking cold-pressed juice regularly can offer several health benefits:
- Better Digestion – Cold-pressed juices that have vegetables in them can help one’s digestive system. Something they bring are some digestive enzymes that are useful for your body and help keep the bowels running smoothly.
- Increase Energy – Cold-pressed juices have fiber and vitamins that will increase your energy in the body. Some of the things that many people report getting from a glass of fresh juice include an energy boost.
- Cures Skin Related Problems – Free radicals have a negative impact on your skin and the juice must contain antioxidants to counter act the negative impacts. The concentrated liquid extracted from oranges, carrots and beets among other fruits and vegetables should be taken because they are beneficial to the human skin.
- Weight loss support—Yes, if your desire is to shed weight, then you could greatly benefit from this item, as it will start from cold-pressed juice. Cold-pressed juice is made of fresh fruits and vegetables that are low in calories; this juice can help you stop taking those extra calorie snacks.
When Should You Drink Cold Pressed Juice?
When Should You Consume Cold-Pressed Juice?
Cold-pressed juice can be consumed during any meal of the day when you want it. Here are some ideas for when to drink it:
- In the Morning – The best thing you could take in the morning to ensure your body is detoxified is cold-pressed juice. As for itself, it is perfect to enjoy as a snack before lunch and dinner or breakfast and lunch, yet the feeling is not hungry at all.
- Morning / Evening Pick-me-up Cold-pressed juice is the natural regain mechanism for the body to prepare the energy systems before or after a strenuous session of exercise.
- To detoxify—When you need a cleanse, there is no better way than to help your digestive system and to deliver the necessary nutritional elements to the wrecked cells of your body.
So, is cold-pressed juice healthy? Absolutely! The recommendations that are given as a result of consuming cold-press juices are to up one’s vitamin and minerals intake from fruits and vegetables. I said it contains all the vitamins, contains all the minerals, has antioxidants which will help improve your immune system, your energy and your body. It’s fine if you refrain from making it a very regular drink and you’re still getting your portion of protein from other sources.
With this new information in your head you will need to switch from regular juices to the cold pressed juices. You could be surprised that not only it is delicious, but it also has other properties that will better the quality of your daily living.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Is cold-pressed juice healthier than regular juice?
Yes, cold-pressed juice is better than normal juice because typically the content contained in the cold-pressed juice is richer. Cold pressing processes are more effective than the traditional juicing process because it does not impair the vitamin and mineral content since heat can decompose these nutrients.
2. Is drinking cold-pressed juice beneficial in weight loss?
Cold-pressed juice can definitely aid weight loss since it is free from solids and extremely nutritious simultaneously. It can also assist in reducing appetite and would certainly act as a good, healthy snack. But it is preferable to consume it while taking other ingredients in the body.
3. How many glasses per day should I take of cold-pressed juice?
The ideal consumption is to take cold-pressed juice in moderation because the body lacks the enzymes required to digest the compounds found in the juice. You can take it daily, especially as a snack or with your meals, but it cannot replace the consumption of REAL fruits and vegetables. It’s recommended to drink it a few times a week to have all the aforementioned benefits!